Thursday, May 22, 2008

Free hugs campaign in Beijing!
Compare with the campaign how it started:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Heiligenkreuz Monks

Gregorian chant in a magnificent church. Soothing...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life, Seasons & No sunshine

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone by Bill Withers

Life is going on. Seasons are changing. Ain't no sunshine. Enjoy this moving excerpt from Notting Hill, with Hugh Grant.

Bill Withers : Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Here's the full song:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fun & Yoga: Laughter Yoga

Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha.

Laughter relaseses stress, laughter is a cure. Laughter is good for prisonners and for business people. 2 minutes laughing equals 20 minutes jogging. Your body won't make the difference between fake and spontaneous laughter. Start by trying Ho Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha.

Indians are taking the lead in the laughter industry. Be sure to catch up. Amazing facts to discover in this video and the related ones. An absolute must! Fun viewing.

Also Check out the offical website of laughter yoga, home place of "the global movement for health, joy and world peace"!!!

the American School of Laughter:

and Erotik oder Hysterie - Das Phänomen Lachen,page=0.html

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Master of Fine Arts is the new MBA

Katherine Bell is a senior editor at She wrote a refreshing post on the benefits of artistic training for an MBA!!

She says:"...I realized my MFA had been a pretty good management-training course. I didn’t learn a thing about finance, but for two years, I’d practiced disciplined imagination -- a requirement for innovation. And I’d learned a few things about managing people (and myself). "

She shares what she learnt here:

More insightful comments from Katherine Bell are available at HBR podcast:

Having said this, I believe the other way round is also true: some management training would be quite useful for an MFA program!!

Love: just the two of us / Will Smith

Family love: so touching

Will Smith - Just The Two Of Us
envoyé par Momo59-93