Friday, October 26, 2007

Work Revolution

Work revolution
Wow management, cool project management, the revolution of the cubicle, who else than Tom Peters should you think of?
For excellence and a breathtaking work experience, check out Tom Peter's website:

the CHO!?
Alexander Kjerulf has invented a wonderful position: the CHO, the chief happiness officer!! I believe this should be everyone's position in a business (besides their position on the organizational chart). I came accross Alexander Kjerulf on Tom's site, he's a "cool friend" of Tom's.
Finding happiness at work: buy A. Kjerulf's latest book or read it on-line for free & check out his blog at:
This is also a nice website for tips on work, health, family and related topics...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the kind words!

And I could not agree more - every company needs a CHO :o)